Experiential Learning Workshop: Level II (Intermediate Level)
Download the complete set of files for Module II.
All files, except for the PowerPoint file and the Excel "checkoff list" file, are provided in Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF). Visit the Adobe Web site to download the free Acrobat Reader.
Outline of Module II (120KB .pdf file)
PowerPoint Presentation: Optional Module II Overview (704KB .ppt file)
Cover Sheet (56KB .pdf file)
Five-Step Model: Experiential Learning Cycle (268KB .pdf file)
Five-Step Definitions: Experiential Learning Cycle (60KB .pdf file)
Marek & Cavallo Diagram (36KB .pdf file)
Quotes (24KB .pdf file)
An Inquiry Primer (264KB .pdf file)
Essence of Inquiry (48KB .pdf file)
Hike to Lonely Lodge, Blue Group (44KB .pdf file)
Hike to Lonely Lodge, Green Group (44KB .pdf file)
Check Off List Handout (16KB .xls file)
Resources (52KB .pdf file)
Post Workshop Survey (44KB .pdf file)